Source code for pythiaplotter.graphers.converters

"""Functions to do conversions between particle representations."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
import copy
import networkx as nx
from pythiaplotter.utils.logging_config import get_logger
from pythiaplotter.parsers.event_classes import NodeParticle, EdgeParticle
from .node_grapher import assign_particles_nodes
from .edge_grapher import assign_particles_edges

log = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]def edge_to_node(graph): """Converts graph from edge to node representation. 1) Create a node for each particle edge 2) Add directed edges between all combinations of incoming & outgoing particles at a vertex Since there is a 1:1 correspondence between the node and edge particles, we can use the assign_particles_nodes() function to do this, so long as we construct our NodeParticles correctly. Parameters ---------- graph : NetworkX.MultiDiGraph Returns ------- NetworkX.MultiDiGraph """ node_particles = [] for out_node, in_node, edge_data in graph.edges_iter(data=True): particle = edge_data['particle'] parent_barcodes = [data['particle'].barcode for _, _, data in graph.in_edges_iter(out_node, data=True)] np = NodeParticle(particle, parent_barcodes) node_particles.append(np) return assign_particles_nodes(node_particles)
[docs]def node_to_edge(graph): """Converts graph from node to edge representation. This conversion is more comples, and there is not always a simple 1:1 correspondence. Briefly: 1) Determine if certain parent-child relationships require a duplicate parent node to be inserted inbetween. 2) Turn each node into a directed edge with outgoing and incoming vertices, ensuring that all particles incoming (parents) & outgoing (children) from the same vertex have the same vertex barcode. 3) Connect all edges together into a graph. The last step is done by passing a list of EdgeParticle s to assign_particle_edges(), thereby avoiding duplication. Parameters ---------- graph : NetworkX.MultiDiGraph Returns ------- NetworkX.MultiDiGraph """ graph_with_duplicates = insert_duplicate_nodes(graph) edge_particles = construct_edges_from_nodes(graph_with_duplicates) graph_edge = assign_particles_edges(edge_particles) return graph_edge
[docs]def insert_duplicate_nodes(graph): """Create a copy of the graph with duplicate parent nodes inserted when child has non-common shared parentage. This can happen when a subgraph of parent and child nodes has some child nodes that do not have all the same parents, and therefore duplicate nodes would be required to split the subgraph into multiple graphs where all the children do have the same parents. Duplicate parents have the same Particle as the parent, but with a barcode starting 20xxxx. Parameters ---------- graph : NetworkX.MultiDiGraph Graph to analyze Returns ------- NetworkX.MultiDiGraph Copy of input graph but with duplicate parent nodes added. """ nodes_done = [] graph_copy = graph.copy() for node in graph.nodes_iter(): if node in nodes_done or len(graph.successors(node)) == 0: continue log.debug("Doing node %d", node) parents, children = get_related_parents_children(graph, node) if duplication_needed(graph, parents, children): # For each shared parent, add a duplicate node between # it and a child with shared parentage for pa in parents: log.debug("Parent %d", pa) these_children = graph.successors(pa) # Skip if only 1 child if len(these_children) <= 1: continue for ch in these_children: log.debug("Child %d", ch) # Skip children with only 1 parent - no shared parentage, no duplication needed if len(graph.predecessors(ch)) <= 1: log.debug("Skipping %d", ch) continue # remove parent - child connection graph_copy.remove_edge(pa, ch) parent_particle = graph.node[pa]['particle'] # create duplicate particle and add it in with a new unique barcode dupl_particle = copy.deepcopy(parent_particle) new_barcode = 20000 + parent_particle.barcode # assumes graph has <20K nodes... # do a check for uniqueness while new_barcode in graph_copy: new_barcode += 1 dupl_particle.barcode = new_barcode graph_copy.add_node(new_barcode, particle=dupl_particle, initial_state=False, final_state=False) graph_copy.add_edge(pa, new_barcode) graph_copy.add_edge(new_barcode, ch) log.debug("Adding duplicate %d", new_barcode) log.debug("Adding %d -> %d -> %d", pa, new_barcode, ch) nodes_done.extend(parents) return graph_copy
[docs]def get_all_parents(graph, children): """Get all unique parents nodes of all specified children nodes in a flattened list. Parameters ---------- graph : NetworkX.MultiDiGraph children : list[int] Returns ------- list[int] Parent nodes """ return list(set([p for c in children for p in graph.predecessors(c)]))
[docs]def get_all_children(graph, parents): """Get all unique child nodes of all specified parent nodes in a flattened list. Parameters ---------- graph : NetworkX.MultiDiGraph parents : list[int] Returns ------- list[int] Child nodes """ return list(set([c for p in parents for c in graph.successors(p)]))
[docs]def duplication_needed(graph, parents, children): """For a set of parent and child nodes in a graph, determine if any duplicate nodes are needed. This can happen when a subgraph of parent and child nodes has some child nodes that do not have all the same parents, and therefore duplicate nodes would be required to split the subgraph into multiple graphs where all the children do have the same parents. Example ------- For a graph with edges [(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (2, 5)], nodes 1 and 2 are the parents, and nodes 3, 4, 5 are the children. 3 and 5 have one parent each (1 and 2, repsectively), but 4 has 2 parents. This would cause us issues when inserting edges in lieu of nodes. Parameters ---------- graph : NetworkX.MultiDiGraph parents : list[int] children : list[int] Returns ------- bool """ return any([len(graph.predecessors(c)) != len(parents) for c in children])
[docs]def construct_edges_from_nodes(graph): """Convert each node (representing a NodeParticle) into a EdgeParticle, with vertex barcodes. To do this, we have to ensure that a particle's incoming & outgoing vertices are concistent with its children & parents. Thus we ask them first for a suitable vertex, and if none can be found, create a new vertex barcode. Parameters ---------- graph : NetworkX.MultiDiGraph Returns ------- list[EdgeParticle] Raises ------ IndexError If there is more than one unique candidate in/out vertex barcode. """ edge_particles = [] vtx_barcodes = set() def _find_outgoing_vtx_barcode(graph, node): """Find a suitable outgoing vertex, using parent's incoming if possible.""" parent_nodes = graph.predecessors(node) if len(parent_nodes) != 0: parent_in = set([graph.node[p]['in_vtx'] for p in parent_nodes if 'in_vtx' in graph.node[p]]) sibling_out = set([graph.node[s]['out_vtx'] for s in get_all_children(graph, graph.predecessors(node)) if 'out_vtx' in graph.node[s]]) vtx = parent_in | sibling_out if len(vtx) > 1: raise IndexError("Too many possibilities for outgoing barcode") elif len(vtx) == 1: return vtx.pop() return None def _find_incoming_vtx_barcode(graph, node): """Find a incoming vertex, using children's outgoing if possible.""" child_nodes = graph.successors(node) if len(child_nodes) != 0: children_out = set([graph.node[c]['out_vtx'] for c in child_nodes if 'out_vtx' in graph.node[c]]) sibling_in = set([graph.node[s]['in_vtx'] for s in get_all_parents(graph, graph.successors(node)) if 'in_vtx' in graph.node[s]]) vtx = children_out.union(sibling_in) if len(vtx) > 1: raise IndexError("Too many possibilities for incoming barcode") elif len(vtx) == 1: return vtx.pop() return None for node, data in graph.nodes_iter(data=True): log.debug("Constructing EP for node %d", node) # Figure out the outgoing vertex barcode, use parent's incoming one if there is a parent, # or any sibling outgoing one. Otherwise create unique one. ob = _find_outgoing_vtx_barcode(graph, node) or len(vtx_barcodes) vtx_barcodes.add(ob) # Figure out the incoming vertex barcode, use children's outgoing one if there are any, # or any sibling incoming one. Otherwise create unique one. ib = _find_incoming_vtx_barcode(graph, node) or len(vtx_barcodes) vtx_barcodes.add(ib) # store the particles in/out vertex barcode to connect other children to parents later graph.node[node]['out_vtx'] = ob graph.node[node]['in_vtx'] = ib ep = EdgeParticle(particle=data['particle'], vtx_in_barcode=ib, vtx_out_barcode=ob) log.debug("Adding EdgeParticle %s", ep) edge_particles.append(ep) return edge_particles