Source code for pythiaplotter.parsers

"""Parsers read the input file, and convert the information into a set of particles.
These can then be attached to a graph.

parser_opts : dict[str, ParserOption]
    Dictionary of all available parsers, along with info about each.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from pythiaplotter.utils.logging_config import get_logger
from pythiaplotter.utils.common import generate_repr_str, check_representation_str
from .pythia8_parser import Pythia8Parser
from .hepmc_parser import HepMCParser
from .lhe_parser import LHEParser
from .cmssw_particle_list_parser import CMSSWParticleListParser

log = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class ParserOption(object): def __init__(self, description, parser, default_representation, file_extension): """Basic class to hold info about a parser and associated fields. Parameters ---------- description : str Brief description about parser parser : class The Parser class default_representation : {'NODE', 'EDGE'} Default particle representation of the parser. file_extension : str, optional Optional file extension to associate with this parser. (no preceeding .) """ self.description = description self.parser = parser self.file_extension = file_extension check_representation_str(default_representation, "default_representation") self.default_representation = default_representation def __repr__(self): return generate_repr_str(self) def __str__(self): return "{0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.description)
# Keys of this dict will be the commandline options for --inputFormat parser_opts = { "PYTHIA": ParserOption( description="For screen output from Pythia 8 piped into file", parser=Pythia8Parser, file_extension=".txt", default_representation="NODE" ), "HEPMC": ParserOption( description="For HEPMC files", parser=HepMCParser, file_extension=".hepmc", default_representation="EDGE" ), "LHE": ParserOption( description="For LHE files", parser=LHEParser, file_extension=".lhe", default_representation="NODE" ), "CMSSW": ParserOption( description="For ParticleListDrawer output from CMSSW piped into file", parser=CMSSWParticleListParser, file_extension=None, default_representation="NODE" ) } # Have to wrap the ROOT parts carefully, because it isn't installed easily with pip try: from .heppy_parser import HeppyParser parser_opts['HEPPY'] = ParserOption( description="For Heppy ROOT files", parser=HeppyParser, file_extension=None, default_representation="NODE" ) except ImportError: log.warning("Cannot import PyROOT, no interface to Heppy tree")