Source code for pythiaplotter.utils.common

"""Some common functions used throughout, like opening PDFs, file checking. """

from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import imp
from distutils.spawn import find_executable  # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module
from subprocess import call, check_output
from sys import platform as _platform
    from itertools import izip
except ImportError:
    izip = zip

[docs]def open_pdf(pdf_filename): """Open a PDF file using system's default PDF viewer.""" if _platform.startswith("linux"): # linux call(["xdg-open", pdf_filename]) elif _platform == "darwin": # OS X call(["open", pdf_filename]) elif _platform == "win32": # Windows call(["start", pdf_filename])
[docs]def cleanup_filepath(filepath): """Resolve any env vars, ~, return absolute path.""" return os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(filepath)))
[docs]def get_directory(filepath): """Return absolute, full directory of file. Resolve any environment vars, ~, sym links(?) """ return os.path.dirname(cleanup_filepath(filepath))
[docs]def check_file_exists(filepath): """Check if file exists. Can do absolute or relative file paths.""" return os.path.isfile(cleanup_filepath(filepath))
[docs]def check_dir_exists(filepath): """Check if directory exists.""" return os.path.isdir(cleanup_filepath(filepath))
[docs]def check_dir_exists_create(filepath): """Check if directory exists. If not, create it.""" if not check_dir_exists(filepath): os.makedirs(cleanup_filepath(filepath))
[docs]def map_columns_to_dict(fields, line, delim=None): """Split up line into fields, storing them in a dict. Note that entreis are assumed to start at line[0], and thus any extra entries in the line are ignored. >>> line = "123:police:999:Higgs" >>> fields = ["id", "name", "phone"] >>> map_columns_to_dict(fields, line, ":") {'id': '123', 'name': 'abc', 'phone': '999'} Parameters ---------- fields: list[str] List of field names, MUST be in same order as the entries in line. line: str Line to be split and mapped into dict. delim: str, optional Optional delimiter to separate columns. Default is greedy whitespace, like for split(). For non-greedy whitepsace, use ' '. Returns ------- dict {str:str} Dict of field names: values """ parts = line.strip().split(delim)[0:len(fields) + 1] return {k: v.strip() for k, v in izip(fields, parts)}
[docs]def check_program_exists(program): """Test if external program can be found. Parameters ---------- program : str Program name Returns ------- bool Whether program is in PATH """ return bool(find_executable(program))
[docs]def check_module_exists(module): """Test if Python module exists. Parameters ---------- module : str Name of module to check Returns ------- bool Whether module exists """ try: imp.find_module(module) except ImportError: return False return True
[docs]def generate_repr_str(obj, ignore=None): """Generate a generic string for use in __repr__, with object fields and their value. Can optionally ignore chosen fields. Parameters ---------- obj : object Object to create repr string for ignore : list[str], optional Optional list of object field names to ignore Returns ------- str The repr string """ ignore = ignore or [] args_str = ["%s=%s" % (k, repr(obj.__dict__[k])) for k in obj.__dict__ if k not in ignore] return "{}({})".format(obj.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(args_str))
[docs]def get_terminal_width(): """Get the width of the user's terminal. Requires tput.""" return int(check_output(['tput', 'cols']))
[docs]def check_representation_str(representation, variable="representation"): """Check the representation string is valid, if not raise KeyError""" if representation not in VALID_REPRESENTATIONS: raise KeyError('%s must be one of %s' % (variable, keys))