Source code for pythiaplotter.parsers.hepmc_parser

"""Handle parsing of HepMC files.

Default is EDGE representation.

See example/example_hepmc.hepmc for example input file.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division
from pprint import pformat
from pythiaplotter.utils.logging_config import get_logger
from pythiaplotter.utils.common import map_columns_to_dict, generate_repr_str
from .event_classes import Event, Particle, EdgeParticle

log = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class HepMCParser(object): """Main class to parse a HepMC file. User can pass in an event number to return the event with that ID. If unassigned, or no events with that event number, return first event in file. """ def __init__(self, filename, event_num=0): """ Parameters ---------- filename : str Input filename. event_num : int, optional Index of event to parse in input file. (0 = first event) """ self.filename = filename self.event_num = event_num = [] def __repr__(self): return generate_repr_str(self, ignore=['events']) def __str__(self): return "HepMCParser:\n%s" % pformat(self.filename)
[docs] def parse(self): """Parse contents of the input file, extract particles, and assign to a NetworkX graph. Returns ------- Event Event object containing info about the event. list[EdgeParticle] Collection of EdgeParticles to be assigned to a graph. """ # Loop through file, line-by-line. # Once we reach an event line with the require line number, then # we start parsing the particle/vertex lines. Otherwise we eat up all the RAM! parse_event = False current_event = None current_vertex = None edge_particles = [] # since HepMC can output in either MeV or GeV, but we all prefer GeV, # this allows conversion to GeV energy_multiplier = 1."Opening event file %s", self.filename) with open(self.filename) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith("E") or "END_EVENT_LISTING" in line: # General GenEvent information if current_event: # Do only having read in all particles in an event break if line.startswith("E"): current_event = self.parse_event_line(line) if current_event.event_num == self.event_num: parse_event = True else: current_event = None if not parse_event: continue if line.startswith("V"): # GenVertex info current_vertex = self.parse_vertex_line(line) elif line.startswith("P"): # GenParticle info edge_particle = self.parse_particle_line(line) edge_particle.vtx_out_barcode = current_vertex.barcode log.debug(edge_particle.particle) # If the particle has vtx_in_barcode = 0, # then this is a 'dangling' vertex (i.e. not in the list # of vertices) and we must create one instead. # Use (10000*|particle.vtx_out_barcode|)+particle.barcode # for a unique barcode, since we won't have 10000 # particles in an event. def _generate_unique_id(edge_particle): return 10000 * abs(edge_particle.vtx_out_barcode) + edge_particle.barcode # This is a final-state particle if edge_particle.vtx_in_barcode == 0: edge_particle.vtx_in_barcode = _generate_unique_id(edge_particle) edge_particle.particle.final_state = True # If the vtx_in_barcode = vtx_out_barcode, then we have # a cyclical edge. This is normally reserved for an # incoming proton. Need to create a new "out" node, since # other particles will be outgoing from this node if edge_particle.vtx_in_barcode == edge_particle.vtx_out_barcode: edge_particle.vtx_out_barcode = _generate_unique_id(edge_particle) edge_particle.particle.initial_state = True edge_particles.append(edge_particle) if line.startswith("U"): # Units info energy, length = self.parse_units_line(line) if energy == "MEV": energy_multiplier = 1. / 1000 if not current_event: raise IndexError("Cannot find an event with event number %d" % self.event_num) # Correct units for p in edge_particles: for attr in ['px', 'py', 'pz', 'mass', 'energy', 'pt']: try: val = getattr(p.particle, attr) setattr(p.particle, attr, val * energy_multiplier) except AttributeError: pass return current_event, edge_particles
[docs] def parse_event_line(self, line): """Parse a HepMC GenEvent line and return an Event object""" fields = ["event_num", "num_mpi", "scale", "aQCD", "aQED", "signal_process_id", "signal_process_vtx_id", "n_vtx", "beam1_pdgid", "beam2_pdgid"] contents = map_columns_to_dict(fields, line[1:]) return Event(event_num=contents["event_num"], source=self.filename, signal_process_vtx_id=contents["signal_process_vtx_id"])
[docs] def parse_vertex_line(self, line): """Parse a HepMC GenVertex line and return a GenVertex object""" fields = ["barcode", "id", "x", "y", "z", "ctau", "n_orphan_in", "n_out"] contents = map_columns_to_dict(fields, line[1:]) return GenVertex(barcode=abs(int(contents["barcode"])), n_orphan_in=contents["n_orphan_in"])
[docs] def parse_particle_line(self, line): """Parse a HepMC GenParticle line and return an EdgeParticle object Note that the EdgeParticle does not have vtx_out_barcode assigned here, since we are parsing a line in isolation. The vtx_out_barcode is added in the main pars() method. We just use a dummy value for now. """ fields = ["barcode", "pdgid", "px", "py", "pz", "energy", "mass", "status", "pol_theta", "pol_phi", "vtx_in_barcode"] contents = map_columns_to_dict(fields, line[1:]) p = Particle(barcode=int(contents["barcode"]), pdgid=int(contents["pdgid"]), status=contents["status"], px=float(contents["px"]), py=float(contents["py"]), pz=float(contents["pz"]), energy=float(contents["energy"]), mass=float(contents["mass"])) log.debug(p) ep = EdgeParticle(particle=p, vtx_in_barcode=abs(int(contents['vtx_in_barcode'])), vtx_out_barcode=0) return ep
[docs] def parse_units_line(self, line): """Parse units specification line. Parameters ---------- line : str Line to parse Returns ------- str, str Energy and length units """ return line.split()[1:]
[docs]class GenVertex(object): """Helper class to represent a HepMC GenVertex object. Vertices have a barcode that is an integer. Only exists inside this parser module since it is only used for parsing file and when assigning particles to a NetworkX graph. Use a namedtuple instead? """ def __init__(self, barcode, n_orphan_in=0): self.barcode = int(barcode) self.n_orphan_in = n_orphan_in def __repr__(self): return generate_repr_str(self)