Source code for pythiaplotter.parsers.lhe_parser

"""Handle parsing of LHE files.

Default is NODE representation for particles.

See example/example_lhe.lhe for example input file.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from pprint import pformat
    from lxml import etree as ET  # MegaGainz
except ImportError:
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET  # slowwww
from pythiaplotter.utils.logging_config import get_logger
from pythiaplotter.utils.common import map_columns_to_dict, generate_repr_str
from .event_classes import Event, Particle, NodeParticle

log = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class LHEParser(object): """Main class to parse a LHE file. User can pass in an event number to return that event (first event = 1) If unassigned, or no events with that event number, return first event in file. """ def __init__(self, filename, event_num=0): """ Parameters ---------- filename : str Input filename. event_num : int, optional Index of event to parse in input file. (0 = first event) """ self.filename = filename self.event_num = event_num = [] def __repr__(self): return generate_repr_str(self, ignore=['events']) def __str__(self): return "LHEParser: %s" % pformat(self.filename)
[docs] def parse(self): """Parse contents of the input file, extract particles, and assign to a NetworkX graph. Returns ------- Event Event object containing info about the event. list[NodeParticle] Collection of NodeParticles to be assigned to a graph. """"Opening event file %s", self.filename) tree = ET.parse(self.filename) root = tree.getroot() # get tags, find index of init block, since there could be any number of # program-specific fields before it tags = [r.tag for r in root] try: init_ind = tags.index('init') except ValueError: log.exception("Cannot find <init> block in LHE file") raise self.parse_init_text(root[init_ind].text) # now get the event the user wanted event_ind = init_ind try: event_ind = tags.index('event', self.event_num) except ValueError: log.exception("Cannot find the <event> block %d in LHE file", self.event_num) raise event, node_particles = self.parse_event_text(root[event_ind].text) log.debug(node_particles) return event, node_particles
[docs] def parse_init_text(self, text): """Parse the initialisation info. Currently does nothing. The first line is compulsory process-numer-independent info. Each line after represents a process Parameters ---------- text : str Text in the <init></init> tags. Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def parse_event_text(self, text): """Parse the text in a <event>...</event> block The first line is compulsory event info Each line after represents a particle. Parameters ---------- text : str Event text block to be parsed. Returns ------- Event Event object filled with info about the event, as well as NodeParticles in the event. """ event = None node_particles = [] # Keep a track of particle barcodes - start at 1, not 0. # LHE files do not include a barcode for each particle, # so we have to do it manually counter = 1 for line in text.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue log.debug(line) # event info if not event: event = self.parse_event_line(line, self.event_num) else: node_particle = self.parse_particle_line(line, barcode=counter) node_particles.append(node_particle) counter += 1 return event, node_particles
[docs] def parse_event_line(self, line, event_num): """Parse a LHE event info line. Parameters ---------- line : str Line of text describing the event. event_num : int Event number, as it is not included in the event line. Returns ------- Event Event object with information from the line. """ fields = ["num_particles", "proc_id", "weight", "scale", "aQED", "aQCD"] contents = map_columns_to_dict(fields, line) log.debug(contents) return Event(event_num=int(event_num), source=self.filename)
[docs] def parse_particle_line(self, line, barcode): """Parse a line that describes a particle and its mothers from a LHE file. Need to supply barcode to make Particle obj unique, since not supplied as part of LHE format Parameters ---------- line : str Line of text describing a particle barcode : int Unique barcode for this particle Returns ------- NodeParticle NodeParticle object that contains the Particle, as well as its mother barcodes. """ fields = ["pdgid", "status", "parent1", "parent2", "col1", "col2", "px", "py", "pz", "energy", "mass", "lifetime", "spin"] contents_dict = map_columns_to_dict(fields, line) p = Particle(barcode=barcode, pdgid=int(contents_dict["pdgid"]), status=int(contents_dict["status"]), px=float(contents_dict["px"]), py=float(contents_dict["py"]), pz=float(contents_dict["pz"]), energy=float(contents_dict["energy"]), mass=float(contents_dict["mass"])) log.debug(contents_dict) np = NodeParticle(particle=p, parent_barcodes=list(range(int(contents_dict['parent1']), int(contents_dict['parent2']) + 1))) return np